Friday, June 19, 2015

FED UP movie on Nextflix

I just finished watching Fed Up a documentary about the childhood obesity epidemic in the U.S. and now around the world.

To say that I enjoyed it would be wrong.  It was hard to watch, that is the truth.  However, I think that as consumers, voters, parents, and eaters, we need to know that our culture of processed foods is killing our children. 

If you have Netflix I urge you to watch this movie with your whole family.  It will be long, a bit boring at times since there are no special effects and no young good-looking stars.  What there will be is information that is critical to your well-being and that of your children and grandchildren.

Lets not let this be the generation where our children have a shorter life span that that of their parents.

Other great movies on Netflix are listed on this page the right.

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